Vertel is a socially responsible company that aims to give back to local communities at corporate, workplace, and individual levels. Our company culture is based on a shared purpose of leaving a positive legacy for Australian communities.

We are making a difference beyond Vertel

Vertel has established a corporate social responsibility (CSR) plan, which helps us work towards our vision for smarter, healthier, and safer communities.

As we build our workforce, we look to provide employment opportunities to apprentices in fringe metro and regional areas. We measure and build our workforce around a philosophy or equality, diversity, and inclusion.

At a corporate level, Vertel has partnered with the Foundation for Regional and Rural Renewal (FRRR) and provides community assistance in the form of grant funding through the Small and Vital program.

At a team level Vertel encourages all staff to engage with philanthropic activity through company organised volunteering, donation matching, and volunteering leave for individual initiatives.
