Feature blog

How to manage anxiety and overcrowding in Australian Hospitals
How to manage anxiety and overcrowding in Australian Hospitals

The Covid-19 pandemic has seen many anxious people postpone their healthcare visits out of fear of infection..

Feature case-studies

Vertel delivers safety and professionalism for Allegiance with push-to-talk over cellular

Potable POC devices provided better performance and connectedness, increasing operative's safety and professionalism.

Feature news

Vertel Partners with NSW SES and Life Flight to keep Critical Services in Lismore Live

Vertel Partners with NSW SES and Life Flight to keep Critical Services in Lismore Live

Feature resources

Vertel Whitepaper: All set for digital transformation?

Eyes on the horizon? Watch the road beneath your feet.The Wide Area Network is your vital business highway...

Recent Vertel Updates

How to manage anxiety and overcrowding in Australian Hospitals
How to manage anxiety and overcrowding in Australian Hospitals

The Covid-19 pandemic has seen many anxious people postpone their healthcare visits out of fear of infection..

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Vertel delivers safety and professionalism for Allegiance with push-to-talk over cellular

Potable POC devices provided better performance and connectedness, increasing operative's safety and professionalism.

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Vertel Partners with NSW SES and Life Flight to keep Critical Services in Lismore Live

Vertel Partners with NSW SES and Life Flight to keep Critical Services in Lismore Live

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Vertel Whitepaper: All set for digital transformation?

Eyes on the horizon? Watch the road beneath your feet.The Wide Area Network is your vital business highway...

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