The software as a service (SaaS) market is exploding. In the early 2000s, SaaS solutions were siloed and inflexible, designed to solve a single business problem. Since then, SaaS has evolved dramatically. Today, modern cloud applications can span—and connect—everything from financial, human resources, procurement, and supply-chain processes to commerce, marketing, sales, and service solutions.

This evolution has created a whole new set of problems for traditional enterprise software vendors: how do you compete against cloud providers who offer easy deployment of applications? How do you move your existing customers over to the cloud? And how do you keep up with the innovation that's happening in the cloud at breakneck speed?The software as a service (SaaS) market is exploding. In the early 2000s, SaaS solutions were siloed and inflexible, designed to solve a single business problem. Since then, SaaS has evolved dramatically. Today, modern cloud applications can span—and connect—everything from financial, human resources, procurement, and supply-chain processes to commerce, marketing, sales, and service solutions.

Wi-Fi Analytics

Wi-Fi Analytics

In this day and age, it's important to know who your customers are.

And we're here to help.

With our software-as-a-service platform, you can get real-time data on how visitors move within your venue and utilize space through a variety of occupancy reports including real-time and historic trends in footfall, heatmaps, dwell throughout and across zones.

You can also capture detailed information about how visitors behave within your venue and use that information to make informed decisions about how you want to improve their experience.

This is just the start—we'll continue to expand our services as we learn more about what you need!

Learn more about Wi-Fi Analytics

Digital Wayfinding

Are you looking to improve your visitors' experience, safety and accessibility?

Our Digital Wayfinding solutions enable visitors to navigate the indoors like the outdoors. We specialise in mapping buildings and transforming floor plans into visually pleasing digital maps that can be used for either a native wayfinding app or a web-based route-planning app.

So what's the difference between our technology and other location-based solutions? Our hybrid approach means significantly less hardware is required, so we are extremely cost-effective and can offer competitive pricing. Our mobile app uses hybrid technology including BLE beacons, WiFi, and geomagnetic positioning to accurately track a visitor’s location indoors via a ‘blue dot’. By utilizing the built-in magnetometer and other smartphone sensors, we can use the magnetic field inside buildings to pinpoint and track visitors within 3 – 5 feet.

Learn more about Digital Wayfinding
Digital Wayfinding
Unified Communication as a Service

Unified Communications as a Service

If you're looking for a way to streamline your business communications, you might be considering UCaaS.

UCaaS is short for Unified Communications as a Service. It's an industry growing at lightning speed in the business world—and for good reason! What was once a favorite tool for small businesses has fast become the go-to communications solution for businesses of all sizes.

The number of large enterprises that adopt UCaaS solutions for their enterprise communications is on the rise, and with good reason: it makes life easy. As more and more of us migrate our business operations online via the cloud, UCaaS solutions are set to become the “must have” business communications tool of the decade.

Learn more about Unified Communications as a Service