Powerful CCTV Solutions for your people and property.

Your people and assets are valuable, which is why you protect them. But shouldn't your security system be as well?

Vertel CCTV surveillance solution is a video management system that gives you the means to effectively protect your people and assets. Beyond capturing reliable and usable evidence, it lets you see and understand your environment. Whether you're looking after one site or overseeing operations in multiple places, our CCTV surveillance system is open, flexible, and scalable. It supports the cameras of your choice and operates seamlessly over your network. Intelligent streaming and bandwidth optimisation bring down networking and storage costs so that operators can enjoy uninterrupted views of camera feeds and security alarms without wasting time on waiting for data to load or having to manually adjust controls every time they want to see something different. It gives them powerful search and reporting tools so they can tackle investigations faster—whether it's from their desk or on mobile devices—relieving the burden on your people and network.

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CCTV Surveillance Solution

Why Vertel for Managed Video Surveillance?


Flexible & bespoke solution

Unlock new opportunities with flexible commercial models. Avoid large up-front investments and deploy on your own terms.


Best of breed partnerships

In our world, security is everyone’s business. We work closely with our partners to bring you the latest technologies and products in an integrated environment. Together, we always keep your data safe and secure.


Holistic Security Solution

Cyber security threats constantly change, making it even more crucial to have a partner you can rely on for your electronic and cyber security needs. We work with businesses of all sizes to support electronic and cyber security that is tailored to the individual needs of each client – from risk assessments, through to security planning and protection, as well as ongoing support.


Integrated managed services

Across industries and organisations, we’ve seen the benefits of having an integrated solution for data and security managed efficiently by one provider. Bundling services delivers savings, while the fully managed service enables you to focus on your core business.


Complaint & reduces risk

Our infrastructure installation is compliant with applicable Australian Standards. This means that your infrastructure is installed correctly, which results in less wear and tear on your property and significantly reduces your risk of injury.

Eight Benefits of CCTV Security Surveillance for your business

  • Prevent crime by monitoring areas where there is a high risk for theft, vandalism, or violence.

  • Investigate incidents that have already happened in real time, so you know exactly what happened and who was involved.

  • Enhance employee productivity by letting them see what's going on around them without having to leave their desks.

  • Reduce employee-related incidences by giving your employees the ability to monitor their own work environment and communicate with each other more easily.

  • Handle disputes with customers by capturing video evidence that can be used in court if needed.

  • Enhance customer surveillance by letting them know when they're being watched (to deter theft), but also always making it clear that they’re safe (to make them feel safe).

  • Provide full proof protection/coverage over high-risk areas like cash registers or entrances/exits which are easier targets for criminals looking to steal from your business.

  • Reduce insurance premiums by reducing your business risk through utilising Vertel’s high quality and unique managed video surveillance system .

Contact an enterprise manager now
CCTV Security Surveillance

What our customer say about our CCTV Installation…

Customer review CCTV surveillance

"BIG4 Easts Beach Holiday Park implement CCTV cameras, installed and managed by Vertel, around the park for added security. These cameras are connected to the Wi-Fi network and record 24x7 so they can act as a deterrent and the footage they capture can also be used to investigate any incident that may occur. Using SD-WAN, BIG4 Easts Beach gives it the flexibility to separate corporate traffic, guest Wi-Fi and CCTV traffic

“Vertel has provided a connectivity solution that will help the park grow into the future. The Wi-Fi solution encompasses the entire park, providing that exceptional guest experience we were looking for.” Jennifer Drummond, director BIG4 Easts Beach Holiday Park”

Read case study here

Vertel CCTV Surveillance System is ideal for most industries

Here are just a few of the industries it's proven to be effective in:










 Video Surveillance
What is Managed CCTV surveillance?

Managed video surveillance is a type of video surveillance that is managed by a third-party service provider.

The service provider will monitor the cameras and record footage to help the customer keep an eye on their property.

What are the different component of CCTV?

The different components of CCTV are:


Viewing Station

Cable or wireless

Video Management System (VMS)

Data Storage - On premise or in cloud

What are the benefits of security surveillance?

Security surveillance is a way of protecting the people and property of an area.

The benefits of security surveillance can be seen in the following ways:

-Safety and protection from crime

-Enhanced public safety

-Increased visibility in public spaces

-Improved traffic flow

-Reduction in crime rates

-Reduction in insurance premiums

Learn More About How Vertel can help your build better connections

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